I created this site to be a beacon of light for anyone feeling overwhelmed, undervalued or generally off-kilter. I spent the majority of my life charging forward through the brush and bramble of an untread path. Yes, it did lead to an enlightenment of sorts. More on that here. But mostly, it just convinced me that there was an easier way. SO.MUCH.EASIER. I took the hard road. I made every mistake. Multiple times if I’m being honest. I spent decades “doing the right thing” only to fail at almost everything I touched. Despite every effort to the contrary, I proved to the world and myself that I was a f*ckup.
Only here’s the thing…I’m not a f*uckup and neither are you. FEELINGS AREN’T FACTS. But what they are is the greatest gift we were ever given. They are the compass to navigate us to our most joyful versions of ourselves. Once we stop labelling ourselves, comparing ourselves, belittling ourselves and generally treating ourselves like the Dollar Store version of a human being, we open the door to possibility.
Every single “bad” choice I made led me to exactly where I needed to be. It is said that when Buddha achieved enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, he laughed. He laughed at the simplicity and ease that was before him all along. He laughed at how hard he had searched for something that was there all along.
I had a Bodhi tree moment of my own and now I see so clearly how I complicated my life in ten million different ways. I’m not gonna lie. I still complicate my life. Now I average about three thousand ways. Progress, not perfection.;-) I learned how to harness the power of the universe using the Law of Attraction. I learned that life can be easy. I learned that I can be happy regardless of the 3,000 complications I create for myself. I learned that not only CAN life be fun, but that it SHOULD be fun. Easy.Happy.Fun.
Despite the simplicity of the ideas and my irreverence toward just about everything that our culture holds dear, I offer this blog as my gift of love to you. If I can prevent you from banging your head against one less wall in life then I have achieved my purpose. This is my way of taking the vast lemon groves that I unknowingly cultivated in my life and creating lemon meringue pie to share with you. (Except, gross! Who actually eats the meringue???)
Here’s to an easier, light-hearted, joyful life! Here’s to creating authentic happiness!